Bear Despair

Chagrin d'Ours

Gaëtan Dorémus

Cambourakis | June 2024 | 32 pages | 26 x 15 cm | hardcover

Once upon a time, there was a bear who lived on an island that he shared with a wolf, a lion, an eagle, an elephant, and an octopus. But each lived isolated in their own kingdom. The bear was the only one to have a friend to play with: a little teddy bear, who soon began to arouse the envy of the others. One evening, the animals stole the teddy bear. Furious, the bear set off in their pursuit, swallowing them one by one...

Another wordless story with tender and funny illustrations by Gaëtan Dorémus, which was awarded the Bologna Fair Prize.

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  • Bologna Fair Prize
  • A New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Books (2012)