From Far Away

Desde Lejos

Alexis Segovia

Claraboya | October 2024 | 48 PAGES | 18 × 26 CM | hardcover

A child plays in a field in Patagonia until a visitor comes to his house to talk to his parents. This event marks the beginning of a new stage in his life and transforms his childhood. A book that addresses the problem of child labor and opens the conversation about the rights of boys and girls.

ALEXIS SEGOVIA (Chile) studied a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts and Pedagogy at the University of Concepción, and later specialized in Editorial Illustration at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Through his work he seeks to make visible themes linked to territory, nature, and heritage, which are combined with the exploration of various analogue-digital techniques.

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  • A powerful story that sheds light on the hidden reality of child labor and the rights of children.