

Ana Ventura

Pato Lógico | october 2021 | 40 pages | 19,5 x 25 cm | hardcover

Leaving might be tough, especially for someone who has no choice, like the character in MOVING. This is a visual narrative about what gets lost and what can get found when taking a journey into the unknown is the only thing to do.

Along the paths travelled by this book, colours function like codes. They’re symbols which situate characters and give them identity. When in the end everything is coloured, you’ve just got to share it, you’ve got a new place – a house always has to be built.

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  • Spanish (Colombia only)
  • Korean
  • Turkish
  • Brazilian Portuguese
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  • 3x3 Show n.19 | Distinguished Merit
  • Portuguese National Illustration Prize 2021
  • Best of the Best Children's Book | Hiiibrand Awards 2023
  • «Moving coincides with my personal experience of leaving Portugal and moving to Belgium. The idea for the story came when, one autumn afternoon, crossing the city park in Antwerp, I picked up a leaf from the ground. I thought: “It’s changing colour, it’s adapting to a new reality”. To represent this change, I resorted to using two color, yellow and blue.»

    Ana Ventura
  • «We appreciated the originality of the graphic sequence, supported by a chromatic palette chosen in a significant way, especially in the contrast between blue and yellow. In this wordless narrative, the silhouettes embody the book and the theme of moving achieves a universal and, at the same time, intimate dimension.»

    the jury of the Portuguese Illustration Prize 2021