A new edition of 1984, by George Orwell, illustrated by the renowned André Carrilho, with 43 illustrations that accompany the original text, visually underlining key scenes and concepts of the book. The images are meant to protect the reader’s subjective connection with the text (leaving us to imagine Winston’s and Julia’s faces for example) and often use a conceptual approach instead of a literal one, like a parallel graphic commentary. Instead of exposing what the text describes, the illustrations focus on what the text means and its underlying themes. Printed in two spot colors (black and orange) the world of 1984 can be seen in a new yet faithful way, alongside the timeless words of George Orwell.
George Orwell & André Carrilho
Bertrand Editora | november 2022 | 368 pages | 14,9 x 23,6 cm | paperback
- Selected Winner for the American Illustration Annual Book and Exhibition 2023
- Silver Medal | 3x3 Professional Show No. 20
- Winner Hiii Illustration 2022 | Best of Best (Publishing)