Little Miss Republic’s Best Friend

A melhor amiga da menina República

Isabel Zambujal & Bernardo P. Carvalho

Assembleia da República | OCTOBER 2023 | 48 PAGES | 20,5 x 24,5 CM | HARDCOVER

The 5th of October 1910 put an end to the monarchy in Portugal. Throughout the pages of this book, Miss República, accompanied by Democracy, her new best friend, shares the experiences and feelings she went through during those times of change. She describes hats being flung in the air, schools opening, laws coming into being and the emergence of new symbols for her country. We also have the chance to see a very special photo album.

MISSION: DEMOCRACY is a series of 12 books published by the publishing house of the Portuguese Parliament to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution. The collection is graphically coordinated by Planeta Tangerina and it features some of the most renowned authors and illustrators of Portuguese children's and young adult literature.

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  • A series of books conceived to celebrate democracy, freedom and teach our children the values of citizenship! This volume is about Republic.