The Lord of the Grasses

Le Seigneur des Herbes

Julie Colombet

Cambourakis | september 2016 | 24 pages | 13,5 x 33 cm | hardcover

A sweet story inspired by Argentinian folklore, told by a capybara grandfather - capybaras are huge rodents that live in the wetlands of South America, their name means “lord of the grasses” – about the origins of Argentinian species and their distinctive features. And so, we discover why alpacas have such long necks, or spectacled bears have white circles around their eyes, and more importantly how the majestic lord of the grasses became a four-legged creature and gained the respect of all the animals in the pampa. An imaginative and funny origin story, in which children discover all kinds of extraordinary creatures, brought to life by Julie Colombet’s irresistibly furry illustrations.

At the back of the book, a leporello unfolds, presenting a map of Argentina and all the animals living there.

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