André Letria (Portugal) was born in Lisbon, in 1973. He has been working as an illustrator since 1992, illustrating books for children and collaborating with newspapers and magazines on a regular basis. He is published worldwide and has won several awards such as the Portuguese Illustration Award, an Award of Excellence for Illustration by the Society for News Design (USA), three Silver Medals in the 3×3 Annual and the Grand Prix of Nami Concours (Korea). André is also the founder of Pato Lógico, a Portuguese independent publisher committed with the publication of high-quality illustrated books.

All Books
How to create a library
Inês Fonseca Santos, André Letria
Foxy & Meg Encounter A But-But
Ricardo Henriques, André Letria
Jean, John and João
Ricardo Henriques, André Letria
Inês Fonseca Santos, André Letria
I Will Be
José Jorge Letria, André Letria
José Jorge Letria, André Letria
Ricardo Henriques, André Letria
Ricardo Henriques, André Letria
If I Were a Book
José Jorge Letria, André Letria
Moon has written you a poem
José Jorge Letria, André Letria
Going to the Match
José Jorge Letria, André Letria
The biggest flower in the world
José Saramago, André Letria