A cat's a cat and that's that!
Rui Lopes, Renata Bueno
Everything wrong
Under Construction
Sonia Rayos, Silvana Andrés, Juan Berrio
Inês Barahona, Miguel Fragata, Mariana Malhão
A Rose in an Elephant's Trunk
António José Forte, Mariana Malhão
Prince of the Seas
Pedro Goulão, Tiago Galo
I Am Wolf
Ricardo J. Rodrigues, Pedro Semeano, Susana Diniz
I am the Iberian Lynx
Maria João Freitas, Nádia Albuquerque, Tiago Albuquerque
Queen of the Air
Carla Maia de Almeida, Susa Monteiro
Ferdinand Magellan
Luís Almeida Martins, António Jorge Gonçalves
My Tiny Country
Hélène Gaudy, Anne Beauchard
Midnight, the Cat of the Lost Woods
Hélène Gaudy, Elenia Beretta