Big Bear, Little Bear
Marine Schneider
Bear Despair
Gaëtan Dorémus
The Garden Friends
Vincent Gravé
This and That
Ángeles Quinteros, Flávia Bomfim
Human Rights
Yayo Herrero, Luis Demano
Marion Le Muzic, María Kronsky
Pames and Goems
Iñigo Astiz, Maite Mutuberria
The Refuge
Géraldine Alibeu
The Fox Race
Géraldine Alibeu
A Year at Flowerville
Felicita Sala
My Mom's Shoes
Grace Mallea
Who Built it All
Anna Polenova, Polina Fadeeva
100 reasons why Leo Tolstoy cried
Katya Gushchina
Hilda and Melusine Find an Egg
Eva Rust
Hilda and the Princess
Eva Rust
Inês Fonseca Santos, André Letria